The Standard recipes

The standard recipe in more detail

standard recipes
Standard recipes: photo credit

Standard recipes: photo credit


The standard recipe is a list of all the ingredients we need to make a recipe, in which the amounts of each ingredient must be included with their respective units and their costs. Therefore, in addition to being a guide to know how to prepare and assemble the dish, or even determine the real time of preparation, basically, the standard recipe helps calculate the actual cost of any dish.The success or failure of a restaurant depends on a large extent on the care that is invested in basing the offer of dishes in standard recipes. Unlike the conventional recipe found in cookbooks and cooking magazines, the standard recipe contains many more parameters than time, the difficulty of preparation, classification of the recipe or advice, just to get the cost of the dish, drink or dessert. In addition, there is another very important benefit: no matter who and where you prepare the recipe, the quality will be the same.To explain the standard recipe in more detail, I will use the institutional format used in our university.

standard recipes

Standard recipes: photo credit

 The classification of a recipe or standard depends on the specific criteria of each company: everything depends on how you consider the preparation. For this reason, we can find that to bakery takes the pastry cream as a standard recipe because it is not included in other products, instead, there may be a restaurant that takes this sweet cream make daily: fruit pies, cakes,

Not all standard recipes require “filling” all the concepts that make was dead. In the example of the barrio, we see that the category of “technique” and “equipment for production” are empty. This is because the recipe is intended to serve as a guideline because the ingredients that make up this guide are prepared preparation As we can see, the correct realization of the standard recipe requires following a series of steps to prepare it. Some common errors found in the realization of the recipe, is that we do not know exactly the direct or indirect costs of the company where we are, and as a shortcut the percentage of 30% is frequently used as direct and indirect expenses, however it is not an advisable procedure, since it does not correctly reflect the current price of the recipe.

Standard recipes

Standard recipes: photo credit

Once we have completed (and correct) each field of our standard recipe, we will have the real cost of our dish, dessert or drink that we can put on sale, really obtaining the estimated profit.

The standard recipe is the core part of the management of a restaurant. If a restaurant does not use a correct standardized handling of its recipes, its prices in the letter, they will not be the correct ones with respect to each dish, taking to the business to a future nothing promising. The administration is like The raw material to make a recipe, if it is of good quality, the result will be satisfactory and it will be recognized, but if it is bad quality, the result will be a disaster.

Standard recipes

Standard recipes: photo credit


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