Traditional English Breakfast

Traditional English Breakfast
Traditional English Breakfast:photo .credit

The traditional English breakfast is a national institution. The majority of the population of the United Kingdom enjoys breakfast for what it is, the most important meal of the day, and it does not matter to them to wake up before to enjoy it in a complete and calm way.
The most traditional way of English breakfast is known as "full breakfast" which receives different names. This depends on the area where we are and what we are going to eat inside our breakfast.
History of English breakfast
To know well the tradition of English breakfast we have to go back to the Middle Ages. At that moment in history, the general thing was that there were only two meals a day: breakfast and dinner. The breakfast consisted of English beer and bread and, occasionally, some cheese or cold meat.
Something important in the English breakfast is also that, often it was served by the nobility on social occasions or ceremonies such as weddings. Previously, weddings had to be celebrated before noon, so the first meal shared by the couple as husband and wife was breakfast, receiving the name of "wedding breakfast".
Traditional English Breakfast:photo credit.
Eggs and bacon appeared for the first time as part of the English breakfast at the beginning of the 18th century, also adding other elements such as kidneys, sausages or dishes seasoned with Indian spices of rice, smoked fish and boiled eggs.
The greatest importance of the English breakfast was from the Industrial Revolution, in which from long hours of physical work and work in the factories, they needed good food first thing in the morning.English breakfast with eggs and bacon.
Traditional English Breakfast:photo credit.
There are many people who do not see the English breakfast "healthy", but it is some experts who argue that a meal like the one that makes up the complete English breakfast, gets to increase the metabolism, especially if we make all its ingredients without using oil, but in the oven or on the grill.
We must bear in mind that, for the components that have the English breakfast, we can find places where in their menu, breakfast is completely available throughout the day. It is a meal that we can enjoy at any time of the day, which contributes to its popularity.
The traditional English breakfast is a routine and a combination of foods very applauded and followed by many and many throughout the world, which allows that one of the main problems with the new generations that is breakfast, is tied making a breakfast full of foods that attract the eye as well as the nose and the palate.
Taking into account the energy expenditure we exercise throughout the day, we must put or remove items from our traditional English breakfast. The function of a good breakfast is to awaken our metabolism and, with it, to us, not overload ourselves with calories that confuse our body and remain stored causing us future problems.
What is the famous "full" English breakfast?
Traditional English Breakfast:photo credit.
Typical english breakfast
Throughout Britain and Ireland, the "full" English breakfast is almost more famous than beer or any other food we can enjoy. There are people who do not enjoy it every day, but prefer to save it for weekends and vacations or family visits and friends.
The full term that accompanies the English breakfast comes in fact that the breakfast is full of different food that makes it an ideal breakfast. The full breakfast is served, as we might expect from a breakfast, in the morning before going to work or school, with enough time to enjoy it.
Its peculiarity makes it a meal that can be enjoyed throughout the day and, often, replace lunch. It is rarely eaten every day of the week, but it is a combination of its elements so that we can enjoy it every day, even if it is not complete.
Which traditional English breakfast options exist
How any food we can make a day, our preferences and tastes, influence a lot when deciding what breakfast and what we will put or take away from the well-known "traditional English breakfast". The importance and popularity of this breakfast, is based on its multiple combinations without losing the quality or the objective of it: give us all the energy necessary to start the day.
Breakfast can start with an orange juice, cereal or fresh fruit, but the heart of the full breakfast will always be the bacon and eggs (especially scrambled eggs) that will be accompanied by sausages, roasted tomatoes, mushrooms, tea, toast and jam.
Each country that is part of the United Kingdom has its own choice of accompaniments, which offers the population a variety within a traditional breakfast that seeks to be our main source of energy throughout the day.
Traditional English Breakfast:photo credit.


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