Learn how to cook healthy pasta sauces in less than 15 minutes with 5 magic key bases

Make pasta sauces
Fast & easy to prepare.
Gourmet, healthy, vegetable & balanced (because all these terms are not synonymous ).
Adaptable, customize to everyone.

Are you ready… ?
To discover a thousand tricks to design an infinite possibility of pasta sauce for magic?

As the seasons go by
With simple & raw foods.

Learn how to handle the treasures of Nature to design special pasta sauces, special ...
Digest, light , and nourishing by their potential in micronutrient.
In less than 15 minutes .

Sauces whose colors will change, with the seasons, our tastes, selected ingredients.
Sauces that coat pasta, sublimate the many shapes & tastes possible penne, spaghetti, shells, tagliatelle, fusilli, and all our other favorite forms of pasta.

All this lies in 5 magic key bases .
Key bases that are adaptable, interchangeable (a little), that can be changed to get closer to a sauce to our taste just us.

Each key base contains a magical ingredient: it is around each of them that each of the sauces will be designed.

Let's go to the collection of these magical key-bases ...
Once harvested, all the secrets in our hands, ten thousand possibilities will be offered to us, for us, for those we love ...

Let's enter the world of healthy, gourmet, fast, simple & vegetable pasta sauce ♡

Magic Key Base # 1

The avocado is a magic ingredient in several ways: 

♦ Versatile , it can be used both in salty and sweet .

♦ Thanks to its creamy texture & unobtrusive taste when paired with other ingredients, avocado is a wonderful ingredient to make a lot of preparations : a surprise chocolate cream , green smoothies , a nice & green icing of cakes with lemon, raw summer soups ...
♦ Its nutritional benefits are numerous and interesting for the majority of us.
Its fatty acids are mainly omega 9 (the same as olive oil), fatty acids that our body knows how to make by itself so non-essential (unlike omega 3 & 6 found for example in certain products, hemp oil being the best because of its perfect profile, and the fact that it is the only oil that is suitable for all Naturopathic profiles).
The Omega 9's lawyer , even if they are not essential, are more interesting than the saturated fats that our society tends to eat up its spending habits.
♦ It contains a large amount of fiber (about 7 gr per 100 gr of avocado) soluble & insoluble.
This particularity of combining the two kinds of fiber with a high dose of fatty acids makes it an interesting food for people with slow transit problems.

The avocado is perfect for making spring and winter pasta sauces in a beautiful emerald green color.
Its texture makes the sauce extremely creamy and unctuous , and all types of pasta are round.

The lemon is probably the best ingredient marrying the lawyer a taste point of view (as sweet as salty).
For the realization of our first sauce, it is necessary, because it is thanks to him that we will be able to mix suitably our lawyer with the next ingredient ...

To our avocado-lemon base , we add a green or neutral color ingredient if we want to keep a nice green color to our sauce: fresh spinach, some celery-branch leaves, lamb's lettuce, kale-kale etc.
You can also opt for another vegetable (raw or cooked) of an opposite color (beetroot, carrot, fennel, etc.), knowing that the sauce will take a surprise color ...!

The synergy of these 3 simple ingredients makes it possible to obtain a kind of emerald pesto ...
Emerald, in the heart of winter, to remind us that spring will return. He returns. Always.
Emerald, in the heart of summer, echoing our gardens, the smell of freshly mown lawn, the days of sweetness to dream in a hammock ...


the juice of a lime or yellow (or coconut water)
1 small handful of green leaves (spinach / Swiss chard leaves / corn salad / celery leaves / etc.)
(optional) spirulina or chlorella

In a blender, pour all the ingredients, and mix.
Once the pasta is cooked: drain and put back in the Dutch oven (low heat).
Pour the sauce over the pasta, mix, and leave the pasta for a few seconds (1 to 3 minutes) so that the sauce warms up a little without it cooking.

Tips for customizing:

♦ You can opt for lemon yellow or green : the second will be stronger in taste.
One can also play on the texture of the avocado by replacing the lemon juice with coconut water : the taste will be very different, but equally interesting depending on the vegetable that will be chosen later.
♦ The vegetable that we add to avocado-lemon duo (or avocado-coconut water) can be raw or cooked , knowing that the first option will give a sauce stronger in taste (sometimes too much for some palates): will be for everyone to test according to their tastes & taste preferences.
Personally, I really like to put fresh spinach, a few slices of cooked zucchini, diced cucumber (raw), a little cooked beetroot (the sauce will not be green), a little fennel cooked at low temperature etc.
♦ I love pouring in this sauce a hint of spirulina or chlorella (less than a teaspoon) to boost the intake of chlorophyll & micro-nutrients contained in these micro-algae: a very simple way to integrate them in our daily lives.
♦ For the presentation, you can slide when serving, directly on our plate: pumpkin seeds (crushed or not), a little gomasio, some lemon zest, or some spinach leaves or chopped chard leaves ...
It's pretty ♥
Magic Key Base # 2

The vegetables are an excellent basis for designing a healthy sauce & pasta digest.
There are two important things to consider:
♦ Their taste quality .
To ensure that the vegetable you choose will have an optimal taste, we will take care to respect the seasons : a tomato in winter will have little chance to give us an explosion of sunny flavor ... while a butternut squash tenderly harvested during the cold season we will deliver a beautiful orange ribbon rich in taste to coat our pasta.
The place where we buy our plant foods also has an importance on its rich taste: a number of organic circuits(independent or not) is a first selection criterion, but there are others also to (re) discover such networks of AMAP , La Ruche Qui Dit Oui , or just small farmers around us selling us their produce on markets.
I myself started to use the last two mentioned networks, and I am happy: I discovered treasure sometimes, looking a little in the aisles of the Paris markets, taking the time to exchange, to talk, to compare ...
Human links are formed, we travel a little in their productions, it's sweet to get closer to Nature ♥
♦ Their cooking .
If this point may seem a detail, it can, on the contrary, make a huge difference .
Whether you are slowly braising a low-temperature vegetable , stewing, steaming or baking, its taste will change a lot. Low temperature
cooking , smothering or roasting in the oven is preferred for watery vegetables such as zucchini (and steam is avoided). The baking has the advantage of providing a small taste caramelized, roasted, as many palaces like, and that is perfect in winter. A steaming alleviate fluidifiera & gravy, and more suitable for

firm and dense pulpit vegetables .
It is with a low temperature cooking that we will keep the maximum of flavors without denaturing the vegetable, and allowing it to also keep a maximum of nutrients for our small body.

Among the vegetables, there are very watery vegetables (mostly summer), and others thicker and more consistent that we say " with firm flesh " (often those of the cold season - that we will see a little more far).
A pasta sauce made with an aqueous vegetable is likely to be too liquid, and not pleasant to cover our Italian foods.
So, a key ingredient.
The precooked cereals creams .
Not to be confused with liquid creams (packaged in brick), these creams (packaged in packages in the same radius as flours) are flours that have been precooked to shorten their cooking time/ preparation (the same system principle as complete or complete 1/2 rice precooked, or cereal flakes also precooked before being flattened!).
The idea of ​​pouring a flour (pre-cooked or not) into a sauce may seem unusual, and yet it is the principle of bechamel (traditionally made with flour, milk & butter, here is a healthier version ) .
There are a large number of pre-cooked meals (creams): quinoa, oats, rice, kokkoh (complete round rice mix, sweet rice, quinoa and azuki beans), etc.
Each will give a very different taste to our sauce.
The cream of rice is a sure value because of its discreet and sweet taste that disappears to give way to the vegetable itself.
We can also choose quinoa or another that will have a more pronounced taste with vegetables that have a very light flavor, such as yellow zucchini.


cream of cereal
HV hemp
squash seeds

Cook the vegetable according to our chosen type of cooking (steam, oven, smothered, low temperature, etc.).
Once cooked : pour 1 to 2 tablespoons of cream (pre-cooked flour) into the dish, which has been diluted in a little water.

The cream needs a liquid support for cooking: we will count its triple weight in water or vegetable milk of our choice
(ex: for 2cc of rice cream, we pour about 6cc of water or vegetable milk )
In a blender, pour the cooked vegetable with the precooked flour (cooked too!), Hemp oil & pumpkin seeds.
Mixer ... it's ready to be poured on our pasta.

Tips for customizing:

♦ Many watery vegetables make excellent supports for revealing aromatic herbs .
As it is during the hot season (spring / summer) that we find the majority of the watery vegetables, and that it is at the same time that we can find the fresh aromatic herbs, it is coherent & perfect ✩
A generous portion of basil, oregano, parsley, or other fresh herbs can be drunk.
I discovered Arom'antique 3 years ago, and I order each year some of their herbs which I will never tire of rediscovering, year after year, their great originality: mint-orange, basil-lemon, mint-pineapple , honey-sage, etc.
♦ To bring a touch of creamy & roundnessto a pasta sauce, just add a hint of oilseed puree (white almond, cashew or white sesame marry easily with the majority of vegetables).
♦ A precious oil can also play on the texture , and will definitely play a role in the taste of the sauce.
A scented olive oil, a hemp oil fillet, or a generous portion of walnut oil can change everything ♥
♦ You can also play on the combination of the addition of an aqueous support (cooking water, vegetable broth, vegetable milk or vegetable cream) also increasing the amount of precooked flour: it allows to play on the texture itself, as well as the taste.
The quantities are to vary & adapt according to the vegetable, the chosen cooking & our preference as to the desired result ... Play, test, compare ...
The kitchen is like a playground on which we learn & enriches with discoveries and delicacies.
♦ For the presentation & the pretty effect: at the time of serving & dining, a hemp oil fillet & some squash seeds will offer a nice visual effect in the same range of green tones ♡

Magic Key Base # 3
Making a pasta sauce with a firm-flesh vegetable is my favorite version.
In part, because it is the most tasty , simple way (all are, but this one wins the palm ♡), digestible (bis ♡), and the healthiest too (ter ♡).
The firm-flesh vegetable is almost self-sufficient , regardless of its type of cooking.
Even if the latter will play a role in the taste of the sauce, there is no risk that the sauce obtained is too liquid.

Any additional element will be a tasting game to elaborate according to our desires: spices, herbs, vegetable milk, oil ... the choice is great to accompany our consistent vegetables.

Sprouts include: cauliflower , sweet potato , celery root , carrot , pumpkin (♥), etc.
A practical tip for broccoli : if its flowers are very watery, you can get a sauce with more consistency by mixing it with its stem (cooked). In fact, the latter thickens and counterbalances perfectly the aqueous texture of its bouquets.
Just peel the stem, and remove the first centimeter (base) of the stem, too tough & tasteless.

The cauliflower is perfect for creating a white sauce for pasta with lots of creaminess.
Mixed, we get an ideal cream: the taste of cauliflower if it is of course present, and very discreet (more than we would expect), and is a support on which we can have fun at create taste mixtures with herbs and / or herbs.
The addition of cashew purée or white almond is very useful & helps strengthen the creamy side of cauliflower.


cashew mash or white almond
HV rapeseed
black salt

Cooking the cauliflower according to our preferred cooking method (the oven & stew will certainly require the addition of a little water or vegetable milk at the time of mixing).
Once cooked: pour the cauliflower into the blender with the spice, cashew pure or white almond.
Mix and add a liquid (water or vegetable milk) if necessary (better to pour very little, even gradually increase the dose).
Once the desired consistency is obtained: pour the sauce over the pasta ... enjoy.

Tips for customizing:

♦ Thicker vegetables are enough to make a sauce with a dense texture.
On the other hand, you can add creamy, unctuous texture to this so that it is not too compact.
For this, we can use two solutions: the duo water or vegetable milk + mashed oleaginous (preferably white almond or cashew, discrete in taste), or a liquid vegetable cream (soy, rice, oats, spelled, etc.) .
♦ Spices blend well with winter vegetables (which are often the ones with a firmer texture): cumin, curry, nutmeg, etc.
You can of course also opt for dried herbs (rosemary is divine with sweet potatoes, and oregano with green pumpkin).
♦ For the final visual touch , we can pour a fillet of rapeseed oil on our plate, and sprinkle some grains of a black salt & precious , very fragrant, it will create a small visual contrast ♥

Magic Key Base # 4

This version brings us a source of complete protein thanks to the combination of cereals + legumes duo .

For those who do not know the magic and the subtlety created by mixing a cereal with a legume, a little story already seen here : the story of the small house with 8 bricks .
Imagine a small house made of 8 small bricks: pink, green, blue, yellow, orange, purple, mauve, turquoise.
To make a complete house (with all the walls & the roof), we must gather our 8 precious & pretty little bricks (otherwise, our pretty house will collapse).
Animal products (meat, fish, egg & dairy products) contain the 8 small bricks.
Cereals contain 7, so there is one missing: the rose.
The legumes also contain 7, but they have the little pink brick ♥ The missing one is the little green brick.
Thus, the combination leguminous / cereal makes it possible to obtain a small colored and solid house.
The legume / cereal combination is a complete source of protein ... the magic of Nature.

For the more technical aspect of this beautiful metaphor: the house symbolizes a complete protein, and the 8 small bricks are "amino acids".
Eight amino acids are essential for building a complete protein (a colorful & solid home).
There are other amino acids, but the human body being able to make them themselves (hence the fact that they are not called "essential"), we can consider them as luxurious bricks to transform our home in villa.
Legumes are deficient in methionine (which cereals have), while cereals are deficient in lysine (which legumes have).
(Legumes: lentils of all colors, chick peas, green split peas & yellows (♥), black, red or white beans).

From a strictly nutritional & protein point of view, one might think that it is easier to consume animal products to obtain our complete proteins.
Life being so beautiful and complex at the same time, the protein criterion must not be the only factor to be taken into account ...
For, beyond this nutritional point, our consumption has an impact on ourselves through other nutritional criteria, our other plans of Being , our planet, and ... the animals themselves.
A holistic thought should guide us a little more each day.
Guiding our steps of Life, our thoughts, our words & our actions ✩

Man, over time, adopted & declined this duo all around our pretty planet: in North Africa with chickpeas & semolina of wheat, in France (in the Middle Ages) with bread & beans , in Morocco with barley & lentils, in Mexico with corn tortillas & beans, in Sicily with bread & chickpeas, in South America with red beans & corn mash, in the countries of East with white beans & buckwheat, India with coral lentils, yellow split peas & rice, etc.

Full of duets to reinvent ...
Nice taste-creating trips to dive into ...
Digestive, nourishing and complementary blends nestle in this type of meal that will be considered as " associated ".

There too, an infinite palette is at our fingertips ...
Be inspired, guided by desires.
Have fun creating, associating, composing.
And, even if you create a tasteless mixture, laugh. Because, we will have learned from this experience. A small step.


Sweet potatoes
Coral lentils
cooking water or soy milk
HV wheat germ

In a Dutch oven, cook the coral lentils with the sweet potatoes for about 15 to 20 minutes.
Once cooked: drain, and slide into our blender.
Add rosemary (dried or fresh), tamari & soy milk (or previously preserved cooking water).
Mix until a smooth consistency (add if necessary liquid depending on the consistency you want to get).
Pour over our pasta, and let slip a dash of wheat germ oil.

Tips for customizing:

♦ You can use any legume, however, I find that some lend themselves more than others to create sauces: lentils (all), split peas (green & yellow), peas .
You can also use chickpeas or beans, but the first will have a strong enough taste that is better suited to dips or spreads like a delicious hummus , and the second have a slightly sweet flavor that will be more difficult to counterbalance with spices & aromatics.

♦ To create a legume-based pasta sauce, always add one or two ingredients to smooth the consistency of our sauce which will be too thick if mixed without any additions.
Several ingredients (alone) or combinations of ingredients can be used for this: - a single liquid : cooking water or a vegetable broth or vegetable milk, the choice is vast. - a liquid (see above) with an aqueous vegetable or firm pulpit .
The more the vegetable is watery, and less liquid we will have to use to arrive at an ideal consistency. - a liquid vegetable cream of our choice (with or without vegetable).

Personally, my favorite version remains the second option: the addition of a vegetable with a vegetable milk makes it possible to obtain a light, digestible & nourishing sauce, and full of tastes brought by the fusion between these 3 ingredients.

♦ For the presentation , we can slip on our pasta dish some herbs used in the sauce (or diced vegetables used in the sauce), and pour a drizzle of oil.
Some small crushed nuts also bring a crispy touch.
Magic Key Base # 5

Two great advantages to this magical key-base of silky tofu :
♦ the fact that no cooking is required makes a ready sauce in seconds .
♦ the silky tofu is a wonderful support to create a sauce, its neutral & discreet taste thus serving as a foundation for all our taste desires: spicy (sweet or strong), small aromatic herbs, or strong ingredients in taste & difficult to mix like olives, sun-dried tomatoes ... perfect for an Italian sauce rich in sun & colors ♥


silky tofu
dried tomatoes
basil (or fresh spinach)
HV olive

Pour into our blender the silky tofu (well drained), the dried tomatoes, the fresh basil, the olives, the olive oil.
Mix until desired consistency.
The sauce can be warmed gently before serving with the pasta with a similar tip to the version # 1: after draining the pasta, we slide the sauce & pasta in a small Dutch oven, and we return to a few low heat minutes (2 to 3) stirring regularly so that the pasta does not overheat & the sauce does not burn.

Tips for customizing:

♦ Take care to drain the silky tofu before pouring it into our blender: already having a very soft consistency, adding the juice in which it rests in its tray (helping it to keep and avoid it Sears may make our sauce too liquid
♦ A little trick for the visual aspect & taste if we want to keep some pieces of olive & dried tomatoes in our sauce: we will mix half of the olives & dried tomatoes together Without the silky tofu, if our blender is powerful enough, we get a dough with a few small pieces,
we extract this dough from our mixer to reserve it by putting it aside.
Then, we mix our silky tofu with the rest of the olives & dried tomatoes to obtain a smooth texture. At the moment of serving, he mixes with the fork the two preparations (the first with pieces & the 2nd well smooth) to create a texture contrast ... and pretty like two ribbons that intersect & intermingle .
♦ The silky tofu is in a 400g tray, small tracks to follow to use the rest ✩
For those not familiar with the silky tofu: this little book " silky tofu ""Clemence Catz is a very practical and easy little guide to add in its gourmet library: it gives us all the culinary tips to learn all the uses that can be adopted with this ingredient with a somewhat intriguing visual. Among all the possibilities, one of my favorite recipes with the silky tofu is the chocolate mousse of Valérie Cupillard that D'Soul Bio has taken over here offering us many taste variants.
♦ For the presentation : a fresh basil leaf, pieces of olives or whole olives, a drizzle of olive oil ... to slide just at the top of our pasta, will be the most beautiful and delicious way to look after our presentation .

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Nice bouquet of tips ...
... to refine our pasta sauces

Here is a small summary of all the tips I have seen before that I have added other gourmet tips ...
A real summary of things to know ... together in a pretty gourmet bouquet to design & extend our pasta sauces ♥


Depending on the key base chosen, the texture of our sauce can vary a lot more liquid or more compact.
Whether our choice is taste preferences, practical, digestibility or other, we can always modify & play on the texture of our sauce with this wide range of options:
♦ If our sauce contains vegetables in large quantities : the whether it is an aqueous vegetable (which makes a lot of water like zucchini) or a firm-fleshed vegetable (such as sweet potato or pumpkin) play an important role in the final consistency of our sauce.
The watery vegetableswill certainly require adding ingredients to thicken the sauce: cereal cream (precooked flour - see key base # 2), firm tofu (plain or flavored), a small portion of legumes, etc.
The vegetable farms chairs will be sufficient in themselves (butternut, broccoli with its peeled stem, cauliflower), or may require the addition of an ingredient helping to thin the sauce (sweet potato, pumpkin): silken tofu (Be sure to drain our block beforehand), cooking water, vegetable milk, liquid vegetable cream, etc.
♦ Cooking a vegetable plays an important role on taste & texture: we will try to choose a type of cooking according to our preferences (more details with the key base No. 2).
♦ Oleaginous purées bring a softness, a creaminess to the sauces.
Cashew & White Almond puree are the most suitable for pasta sauce design, their tastes being unobtrusive & relatively neutral.
Mashed peanuts, hazelnut, almond full, black sesame, full & 1/2 complete may be too strong in taste ... but nothing beats these tests: feel free, if you are a big fan of peanut, handle it by mixing it with vegetables (it goes well with beets, carrots and celeriac).
♦ In general, theingredients to remember to thicken our sauces are: firm tofu (plain or flavored), legumes , or cereal creams (pre-cooked flours).
While the ingredients to remember that will fluidify our sauces are: water (nature), cooking water , a vegetable broth , a vegetable milk (soy, spelled are best for salty recipes), a vegetable cream liquid (in brick), or silky tofu (to be drained beforehand).


♦ With the same basic ingredients , we can get significantly different sauces depending on the spices, mix of spices & herbs chosen.
The fact that they are fresh or dried will not give our sauce the same taste: some herbs lose a lot of taste interest during the drying process (parsley, chives in particular), while others bear better drying, and bring taste even if it remains different from its dried version (oregano, savory, rosemary, thyme).
♦ For romantics, poetic souls, curious people, flower lovers, or those who like to experiment: the use of hydrolatsis a small tip that can transform, magnify a dish with floral or herbaceous scents, but light (1 teaspoon per person is enough).
Mint, verbena, and rose are good for pasta sauces.
Little combination ideas: silky tofu, mint, peas - or even lentils, verbena, caraway - and the last one: zucchini, cream of rice (precooked flour), pink ♥

Precious oil

Any dough sauce should have a few drops of oil ✩
Each oil has immense wealth, both nutritionally and tastefully.
Each oil is a poem alone: ​​of color, flavors, micro-nutrients, various fatty acids, etc.
An oil can sublimate a sauce, change it, transform it ... its roles are many:
♦ it brings a fat body, and therefore plays on the texture by providing smoothness ,
♦ it acts as a binder ,
♦ it can bring us acids interesting fat according to the Naturopathic profile of each,
♦ create a pretty visual appearancewith a contrast of colors ... imagine a nice orange oil like a sunset (wheat germ) on a white sauce, or a golden yellow oil (rapeseed) on a light green sauce, or a green oil ( hemp ) on buckwheat pasta ♥
♦ Flavors ... A good oil is always a scented oil. Always.
A walnut oil must have the nutty taste ... should give us the impression of drinking pure & concentrated nuts.
Olive oils have an immense different range of tastes: green or black, of a fluid or thick texture, there are so many ...
It is the same for all the other oils.
Our preferences will be a little personal (some will prefer a green & fluid olive oil, while others will prefer the scent of black olives with a dense texture), but the quality from one manufacturer to another has undeniable importance .

Choice of pasta

♦ There are so many (fat) pasta shapes ...!
I found this overview that I found very complete complete ... My favorite of all is probably the orcchiettes that I discovered in a restaurant several years ago .
My child's soul loves macaroni, while farfalle evokes butterflies.
I literally melt in front of the conchigliettes that I find cute ... like tiny little shells where many sauces can nest ... like a mini-inch shell that would wait to be discovered & keep in its heart a wonderful taste synergy of sauce ♥

♦ In addition to the wide variety of shapes, there is also the huge choice of ingredients that make up the pasta itself.
One of my first books on organic cooking was this one , where I remember being amazed by so many varieties available to us ...
The flours that make up our pasta vary: wheat, spelled , spelled (the latter two not to be confused), buckwheat, rice, corn, quinoa, and some legumes also for a few months ... perfumed with subtle points of taste & colors : tomatoes, spirulina, basil, cuttlefish ink, etc.
A rainbow of pasta to discover ✩
The factalternating the type of flours used allows us to vary our nutritional intake , each grain or legume having its own wealth.
Be careful however, a small precision: many brands put forward on their package that their pasta is "such an ingredient" ... and often, this ingredient in question (quinoa, buckwheat or other) is found in a small percentage in the composition of their product.

♦ Another book that I really liked was Anne Brunner's " Pasta Fraiches ": this book took me back to childhood memories where I saw my mother preparing fresh pasta in our kitchen, in India ... spreading ribbons of freshly made dough, giving them various and varied forms.
Here is a wonderful idea to make alone, to two, or with family to entertain children, a Sunday afternoon ♥


The small toppings are visual touches that are the little cherry on the top of a pretty cake ♥
They do not change the taste, but sublimate the whole thing .
And ... all that is pretty nourishes us in other, equally important ways .
♦ One way to make no mistake is to take one or two elements of the sauce , and slip them to the top of our pasta dish in sauce, or to a few different & varied places: some spinach leaves for key base # 1, squash seeds for # 2, mini-mimi-cauliflower bouquet for # 3, rosemary for # 4, and some olives or basil leaves for the n ° 5.
By the way ... if you enjoy reading culinary blogs (or gourmet magazines): pay attention to the visual decor of pasta dishes or dishes in sauce ... generally, photographers & authors always slip one or two elements of the sauce ✩
♦ You can also use ingredients that do not fit into the composition of our sauce.
This can be ingredients that we would like, and that would marry well with our dish: nuts / oleaginous for their crunchy side, nice salts (blue, black), smallfresh edible flowers , fillets of precious and fragrant oils , fresh or dried herbs , etc.


  ✤ ✤ ✤

✩ All the little useful links to help you ✩

Delve into these 5 pasta sauces is also a lot of (re) discoveries of other delicious foods ...

Those who follow my fairy world for some time will have read some articles dealing with some of these commodities; while for those who have recently discovered the Pastel Cauldron, certain ingredients or items will be discovered ♡

So I've listed a sweet & short recap of useful links to better savor & dive into this world of pasta sauces.

Mmmmh ...
You can also see an excuse to go (re) draw subtle, delicate & poetic things ♥

That your exploration (pastel) is sweet:

♦ Chlorella : this beautiful emerald powder has so many nutritional benefits that the nickname of this precious stone fits him like a glove: very easily assimilated by our body (all the food that we consume are not necessarily), it is a condensed micro-nutrients : vitamin, minerals, trace elements, with proteinquality (easily bioavailable), alkaline , and having many benefits for our intestinal flora by its richness in chlorophyll .

♦ Rainbow salts : white salt is the best known, followed closely by gray (which is the version of unrefined white salt). And ... there is also pink salt, blue salt , black & red ... each with a different, softer or stronger taste.

♦ In magic key-base # 2, I mentioned béchamel sauce .
Even if the sauce n ° 2 includes an aqueous vegetable to lighten it, I imagine that many will be interested to (re) discover these two béchamels: the first, more classic , and the second with the rustic taste , pronounced & strong thanks to lentil flour & sunflower puree (which can be substituted with white sesame puree, cashew or white almond). Both are perfect for coating steamed vegetables .
♦ Low temperature cookingis one of the most respectful and healthy cooking methods you can use. Thanks to it, the temperature of the cooking (and therefore of food) remains soft for a better preservation of the nutrients, and the materials used to manufacture the utensils do not entail any residues in the short, medium and long term (as can the teflon & ceramics).
There are several manufacturers of low-temperature cooking equipment of more or less good quality. I personally chose Del : I invested in it in December 2009, uses it daily, and am very satisfied.
♦ Coconut wateris one of the many products derived from coconut. Very moisturizing, it hides many nutritional treasures that make it a favorite drink for many people.
♦ Hemp oil is a wonderful oil that is suitable for all types of profiles.
Its typical taste, reminiscent of grassy notes pleases greatly or ... displeases strongly, but we are rarely mixed with this beautiful oil.
Personally, I appreciate it enormously, and use it almost daily.
Its nutritional profileclose to perfectionis perfect anyway .
♦ A lot of pasta makers plays on the reputation that the spelled to make pasta using the spelled (short). This name shortcut is not insignificant: the two products are different from each other, as well as their nutritional properties, although their names can be confusing by making believe otherwise. The article I wrote a few years ago explains their differences .
♦ Oilseed purees are fabulous ingredients that can be a little confusing if you are strangers with these pots of thick paste.
I remember gently the first time I tasted them ... and even remember having started with the hazelnut puree to integrate them all gradually into my kitchen.
If you are not yet familiar with these little pots, this book is a short & perfect digest to learn how to get used to them . Cléa also wrote a nice article about white almond puree here .
For the regulars of these pots: one can also learn to realize it oneself , and especially those which are not in the trade(French) such as walnuts, macadamia, Brazil nuts, etc. A summary of information and tips can be found in the article I wrote about it: " How to make homemade oleaginous purees? ".

A word before concluding: the 2 Pastel Workshops next Saturday (February 28) were complete until recently. Following last-minute cancellations, 5 places were released : 1 for the afternoon workshop (14:30) , and 2 for the morning session (9:30).

As for the Workshop Pastel March 21 9:30: 8 seats are still available for the Pastel Workshop on acid-base balance .

I look forward to being Saturday ... to meet those who will be there (maybe you!), To exchange, to give, to transmit to you ... and I am sorry for all those who are far and could not come despite their desire, whatever their reasons (logistics, organization, financial, etc.). I hope one day to break the boundaries of space to convey all this to you. And ... while waiting to be able to concretize this seed of idea, if this is its way of turning into a pretty flower, I always try to do the best so that everyone can benefit from what I create & brings ♥

On Saturday, March 21 is the day of spring ... perfect echo to start smoothly this subtle weather of our body that is the acid-base balance , so important even though we do not actually physically feel.
This precious balance is necessary for the functioning of all our wonderful body and each of our organs, our cells .
If you can come, you hesitate: all useful & practical information is here .
This day of spring will be perfect ... a day of sharing, discoveries together ... before I start another trip, further, at the other end of the Planet .

I remember with sweetness & emotions of my childhood pasta.
So many discoveries since ...

Vary, enlarge, expand the shapes, tastes, flavors & colors that pasta made with this range of healthy eating ingredients can be.
Choose them, discover, taste, compare, have fun to find the ones we prefer.

Then dress them up .
The sublimate colored ribbons , light clothes, nourishing nets ... contrasting or echoing the color of the pasta themselves.

All in a few minutes, with a bunch of healthy tips .
On this eve of the month when spring will be revealed to us, this bouquet ... from me to you ...
Spread it around you, use it, it is for all.


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